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Course information

  1. 127 Credit Hours
  2. 9 Credit Hours of Practicum
  3. 12 Semesters Over 4 Years

Counselling & Guidance

  • The facilities of counselling and guidance are available to students under the leadership of qualified Clinical psychologist.
  • This service is provided under the Counselling and Guidance Centre of IUBAT.

Alumni and Placement Services

  • Alumni and graduates assistance regarding career planning and employment.
  • Assistance in placement to students in their final semester for practicum work in real life organizations
  • Assistance in placement to graduate students in securing career employment.

Academic Support Services

  • The services offered include a special academic course, reading and tutorial assistance, counseling, referral, educational and cultural activities.
  • To facilitate the transition to this new environment, the university offers a   required course under the label of Educational Planning.

Extra Curricular Activities

  • The services offered include a special academic course, reading and tutorial assistance, counseling, referral, educational and cultural activities.
  • To facilitate the transition to this new environment, the university offers a   required course under the label of Educational Planning.


  • English debates on contemporary issues.


Time to time games and sports are arranged for students’ mental and physical health. Participation in games and sports will give them incentive to put their mind in study. Good sportsmanship provides guidelines that can be generalized to classroom and lifelong achievement.

Study Tour

Students enhance practical knowledge through sight-seeing and visiting new places. It widens the horizon of students mind and broadens their outlook. In a nutshell we can say study tour is a part and parcel of students’ educational life.

Bachelor of Arts in Economics program in IUBAT

The Department of Economics under the College of Arts and Sciences of IUBAT offers a degree program in Economics, provide courses in economics under the general education module of other colleges of the university, conducts research and organizes seminars, workshops and training on economic issues facing the society.

Educational programs of the Department also receives support from other departments and colleges of the university to realize its objective of developing manpower in the field of economics as well as making contribution to solution of economic problems facing the country.

Students and faculty of the Department have access to all facilities of the university including extensive use of IT facilities provided by the Computer Education and Training Centre (CETC) for training and research.


  1. To provide appropriate analytical skills in fundamental concepts of economics and to lay the groundwork for lifelong learning.
  2. To encourage the use of experimental learning through research oriented activities as a means to address national and global economic issues
  3. To use quantitative and qualitative tools to analyze and to address various socio-economic problems
  4. To prepare students for graduate training in economics and to build human capital for advanced career pursuits

Duration of Study

The minimum requirement for BAEcon degree is 127 credit hours plus such courses as may be prescribed on the basis of individual competency and requires 4 years to complete for a full time student. A semester is of 16 weeks duration, and there are 3 semesters in a year and as such, a full time student can complete the degree requirements earlier. However, students must take 4 years to complete the program.

Grading Policy

Letter Equivalent Marks in Percentage Grade
A 90-100 4.0
B+ 87-89 3.7
B 84-86 3.4
B- 80-83 3.1
C+ 77-79 2.8
C 74-76 2.5
C- 70-73 2.2
D+ 65-69 1.5
D 60-64 1.0
F Below 60 0.0

Career & Placement Services

The scope of Economics as a career is significant at both national and international level. The field is highly interesting and is the basis of every other sector. Hence it offers a great opportunity to the graduates to develop their career in diversified field. Career in economics is adorned with honor, recognition, knowledge, skilled expertise and financial gains.

Assistance in career placement takes various forms of services ranging from on campus interviewing with the employers to resume referral to employers seeking graduates for employment.  Most services are available for current students, but seniors or graduates can also register with this office prior to their graduation for assistance in career placement.  The university offers a course on career planning and guidance in which the students are trained in resume writing and critiquing, job search techniques and interviewing skills.  This course prepares the student to plan and approach career exploration.  Besides, the placement office provides individualized counseling on a limited basis on preparing job applications.


The IUBAT Economics Society (IES) was established in 2010. It has been working as the linkage between the real economic world and the great and warm imagination of the students of this university.

The objectives of IES are:

  1. to launch knowledge based application where the members from different disciplines can share their knowledge and learn from each other;
  2. to keep members up-date about the present events in the economy around the globe;
  3. to assist members with course-related issues, especially research work like socio-economic field work;
  4. to help fresh graduates in seeking jobs, preparing and placing curriculum vitae (CVs) and communication with prospective employers and
  5. to promote and maintain a specialized approach in both thinking and practice.

The activities and function of IES are organizing seminars and conferences, conducting counseling, guidance, preparing and maintaining a full-fledged database of potential employers, developing relationship and communication with potential employers, generating investigative reports and articles on recent economic issues, conduction training sessions on job related issues, conduction economic movie sessions and keeping in touch with the university to explore the possibilities of organizing sessions like job fair, maintaining relationship with other societies and association of IUBAT and study-tours to renowned industrial organizations home and abroad. More Details