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Department of Humanities

The disciplines studied in the Department of Humanities are concerned with the fundamental question as to what does it mean to be a human. The humanities subjects offer some clues to reveal how people have tried to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of a world in which irrationality, despair, loneliness and death are as conspicuous as birth, friendship, hope and reason. The justification for humanity is that it aids and encourages self-reflection which in turn helps develop personal consciousness and active sense of civic duty.

What distinguishes the humanities from natural sciences is not a certain subject matter but rather the mode of approach to any question. A familiarity with the body of knowledge and method of inquiry and discovery of arts and sciences and capacity to integrate knowledge and discipline is expected to bring far more lasting value in this changing world, as the specialized training and technique may quickly become out molded. The Department of Humanities has the goal of developing values among the individuals through exposure of various conceptual frameworks, philosophies, history of civilizations, arts and crafts.

Faculty Members

Dr. Bilkis Raihana

Dr. Bilkis Raihana


Chandan Kumar Sarkar

Assistant Professor

Explore Humanities