Department of Environmental Science
Considering the importance of global environmental changes like global warming, sea level rise, frequent climatic and natural disasters especially cyclones, floods and droughts, food and water crisis and disruption of hydrological cycle and landscape etc., the university has given prime importance on environmental issues and started programs on disaster management and environment science in 1991.
In keeping with the same, Department of Environmental Science deals with educational programs and advance research on environmental issues like global warming, climate change, biodiversity loss, energy crisis, earthquake and tsunami and sustainable development etc. Bangladesh is vulnerable to global environmental changes as well as human activities at the local level with adverse effect on quality of life. The Department of Environmental Science is oriented towards studying the environmental aspects viz. Introduction to Earth Science, Fundamental Ecology, History of Development Science, Climate Change and Environmental Impact Assessment, Natural Hazards and Disaster management including Global Crises like Energy, Water, and Food Security, Population Health and Diseases, Hydrology and Water Resource Management, Pollution and Waste Management, Biodiversity and Conservation and Environmental Microbiology. Landscape and GIS Data management through Remote Sensing Interpretation are also included in the departmental study program. Environmental scientists are increasingly in demand to preserve natural environment, mitigate damages done and create conditions of healthy living for human and other species. These perspectives led the university to make firm planning to offer a degree program in environmental science. Several ongoing projects on major environmental issues in and around the city areas are:
- An International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Synthesis Theme on Global Environment Change and Sustainable Development: Needs of Least Developed Countries
- Study on water flow and water quality of the river Turag
- Safe the Water bodies of Greater Dhaka City
- Benchmarking the Nutritional Status of Women in the Tongi-Ashulia Road Slums
- Sustainable Landscape Management of Bangladesh
- Special project on species conservation and use of under-utilized species
- Wet Land conservation and increased productivity for biodiversity for food and nutrition security
Faculty Members – Environmental Science

Associate Professor
Post Doc (LSE, UK) MSc, BSc ( CU)

Assistant Professor
PhD, Post Doc (Japan)
M.Eng (Japan), M.S (CU) , BSc(CU)